For this project, I was tasked with designing and developing an agency website for BO-DAA, an architecture start-up studio. I gathered project images and created webpage designs that best represent the aesthetics of the studio.
Bodaa Web Design
- Design
- UI/UX, graphic design, web design, web development
- Software
- Adobe Photoshop
- WordPress
- Client

Design Studio
BO-DAA is a new architectural design studio formed from a collection of Yale graduates in Seoul. Focusing on creative designs, the website acts as a digital portfolio collecting and documenting projects for future clients.
I started with gathering and editing of images and text, then developing UX layout iterations. WordPress was chosen as a backbone for the content management, allowing for the expansion of the website as further projects are added to the portfolio.
Corresponding to BO-DAA’s design aesthetics, the website is sharp and snappy, with playful interactive touches that puts images – social media or projects – at the forefront.

For each project page, care was taken to provide a clear and simple template that highlighted the important aspects of the work. This layout divides the body into three parts: a bullet point of project information, text representing the design concept, and several key images followed by a slideshow for further media. Each project is also associated with a distinct color, providing a unique graphic association with the work.
As is essential for a compelling experience, the website was developed with responsive layouts in mind, making it an easy way to share the portfolio by passing over a phone, or sending over social media, or present works to potential clients in a meeting.

Open Sans
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z